Partners and institutions
Appenzeller Brauchtumsmuseum, Urnäsch
Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Art Karoo, Oudtshoorn ZA
Arts Midwest, USA
Bethesda Arts Centre, Nieu Bethesda ZA
Blackmarket Schwarzmarkt Berlin
Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio
Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, FR
Corporacion Gen, Uribe, Chile
Cultural Society of Clay County, Moorhead, Minnesota
DAW International, ETH, Zürich/Singapore
Denkerei Berlin, D
ERF81, Cape Town, SA
Fargo Moorhead Area Foundation, Fargo
Fracht AG Zürich / New York
General Mills Foundation, USA
Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern
Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg
Helmhaus, Zürich, CH
Hjemkomst Center, Moorhead, Minnesota
HWZ International, Cape Town
Khazimla Art School, de Aar ZA
Knockdown Center, Maspeth/Queens, New York
Kunstgiesserei St.Gallen + Shanghai, CH/CN
Kunsthaus Zofingen, CH
Kuratle Group, Leibstadt CH
La Fonderie, Usine Kugler, Geneva
ISLA Residency, Antofagasta, Chile
iTOPIA 创弈共和 蓝轩 Shanghai
Jonas’ Design Shanghai
Juming Museum Taipeh Taiwan
Lagerhaus St.Gallen / Architektur Forum Ostschweiz
MAP Modern Art Project, Richmond / Graskop / Pretoria ZA
Urs Menzi St.Gallen, CH
MitSpeck Zürich, CH
MUCEM, Marseille, FR
National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC.
North Dakota Council on the Arts, USA
North Dakota State University / Department of Visual Arts
North Dakota Forest Service, USA
Onderdonk House, Ridgewood/Queens, New York
Prairie Village Museum, Rugby
Power Station of Art, Shanghai
Pro Helvetia, Zürich
Pro Helvetia, Office Shanghai / Desk Beijing
Pro Helvetia, Office Johannesburg
Pro Helvetia, Office Warschau
Pro Helvetia, Office New Delhi
reART:theURBAN, Zürich
Rugby Chamber of Commerce, North Dakota, USA
SACO contemporary art festival, Antofagasta, CL
Schweizerische Botschaft in Deutschland, Berlin D
SE VENDE, Antofagasta, Chile
SIEF Conference 2015 Zagreb,
Silent Barn, Bushwick/Brooklyn, New York, USA
Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai CN
SRF, SF TV, Kulturplatz
Stadtgalerie Bern
Stacji Artystycznej Rynek, Gliwice
Städtische Ausstellungen Stadt St.Gallen
Stoob Steindruck St.Gallen
Swiss Art Award, BAK
Taylor Horsefest, Taylor Community Activities, Taylor
TEDxZurich, Zürich
The Story of Mind Foundation, Goa/Mumbai, IN
Trackside Creative, Soweto ZA
University of Johannesburg, department of Visual Art, ZA
we make it
WOOD Conference Cape Town, ZA
ZKM / HfG Karlsruhe / Der professionalisierte Bürger
Zeughaus Teufen, CH
Financial support has come from:
– Pro Helvetia, Swiss arts council
– E. Fritz und Yvonne Hoffmann Stiftung
– North Dakota Council on the Arts
– Ars Rhenia Stiftung, Vaduz
– Georges und Jenny Bloch Stiftung, Zürich
– Migros Kulturprozent, Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz
– Amt für Kultur Appenzell AR
– Kuratle Group, Leibstadt
– Metrohm Stiftung Herisau
– Modulor Stiftung Berlin
– Rugby Convention and Visitors Bureau, ND
– Shanghai Biennale China
– Steinegg Stiftung AR
– Stadt und Kanton Bern
– The Arts Partnership USA
– GentiCom AG, Switzerland