Bloch in Shanghai
Bloch Performance Day at Power Station of Art as part of the 9. Shanghai Biennale.
With performances by Zhang Du & Zhang Meng & Hai Qing, Guang Hui & Old Street Band, Gu Haohao & Zhao Lei from Shanghai Kun Opera Troupe, The Lanterns and a Fashion Show by Yangzi & Zhang Da.
Bloch on Youku – 视频: BLOCH-上海双年展2013
树干 – China Introduction Video
Finally we have a short introduction video for our chinese friends! Don’t miss to visit Bloch at the 9th Shanghai Biennale (until March 31 at Power Station of Art Shanghai). Also save the the date for the big Bloch Performance Day on February 23 2013! Find out more here.
Video Compilation: Urnäsch – St.Gallen – Bern – Berlin
Video Compilation – what happened so far.
Bloch in Berlin
On its first abroad station BLOCH visited on June 1./2. Berlin/Germany. The Bloch festival took place at the Denkerei of Bazon Brock, the Swiss Embassy and the streets of Berlin. The activities involved performances, a procession, conference, talks, exhibition, concerts, cooking and a party. — soon there will be a longer version of the video available with excerpts of the conference.
Bloch in Bern (new edit, short version)
Short Clip of the Bloch events (procession and performances) in Bern (April 21.2012).language: Swiss German, engl. Subtitles.
Bloch at Swiss Television SF (Kulturplatz)
Feature on Bloch on Swiss Television SF, Kulturplatz. Broadcasted on April 25th 2012.
language: German, Swiss Germand with English Subtitles.
Bloch in Bern
Short Clip of the Bloch events (procession and performances) in Bern (April 21.2012).
language: Swiss German. There will be soon an english Version.
Bloch Print @ Kunstgiesserei
Before leaving Switzerland for the Bloch world tour, we produced with the 2-ton Bloch some beautiful art prints at the Kunstgiesserei St.Gallen in collaboration with Stoob Steindruck and the support of the Urnäsch Blochgesellschaft with their “Zäuerli”. The 7+3 art prints will be exhibited 2012 in Bern (Stadtgalerie, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff 21.4. – 19.5.), Berlin (1.-23.6. Denkerei), Basel (11.-18.6. Swiss Art Awards/Art Basel), Zürich (27.7. – 9.9., Helmhaus), St.Gallen (30.8. – 23.9. Lagerhaus).
Become a member of the International Bloch Society
Become member of the “International Bloch Gesellschaft” and help us pulling this tree from Appenzell/Switzerland around the globe. Support us via the crowd funding platform WE MAKE IT. We are thankful for every support and there are really cool rewards for you! Please check it out and spread the word. Thank you – Johannes & Marcus