Bloch in Moon Valley
Bloch in valle de la luna (moon valley) near San Pedro. Drone shot by Thomas Rickenmann
Bloch at Laguna Inca Coya
Next stop is the Laguna Inca Coya near Chiu Chiu in the Atacama Desert. Droneshots by @thomas.rickenmann (Extramilefilms)
Bloch in the Atacama Desert
Another sunset with Bloch in the Atacama Desert near Chiu Chiu. drone shots by @thomas.rickenmann
Historic Bloch photography
This year Com&Com decided to visit the original custom in Urnäsch, where everything began eight years ago. We brought the talented photo artist Ueli Alder with us who took some pictures of us with the Bloch Society with his old 5x7inch black and white plate camera. We are happy to present a first preview:
Dancing with the elephants
Bloch at Buffelsdrift Game Lodge in Oudtshoorn
Bloch in Cape Town – II
Bloch in Cape Town – I
Bloch visits New York
Bloch on the road again
Bloch arrived in Cincinnati
at Carl Solway Gallery, preparing for tonights concert